Written By: Nick Todorovic and Emma Pedota, Summer Student
So, you have been in a car collision. Now what? Here is how to achieve the best possible outcome in a less than favorable situation.
Immediate Aftermath
As difficult as it may seem, remain calm. If you or any other passengers are injured, call 911 and wait for emergency responders to arrive. Describe all injuries and symptoms to the paramedics at the scene. In the event that you have lost consciousness or memory, or are unsure if you did, inform the paramedics as soon as possible so they are aware of any possible sustained head injuries. It is crucial not to withhold details of your symptoms or injuries to the paramedics attending the scene to ensure that you are being treated accordingly and there is an adequate record of your initial symptoms, should you choose to bring forward a personal injury claim.
Do not voluntarily assume liability or take responsibility, sign statements regarding fault, or promise to pay for damage at the scene of the collision. Save your recollection of the events for the police and avoid talking to anyone about the details of the collision.
If and when it is safe to do so, take pictures/videos of the scene and the damage to the vehicles. Provide the other driver(s) with your vehicle registration number, license information, your name, address, and insurance details. You will want to collect the same information along with the make, model, and license plate numbers of all other vehicles involved. Record as much information as possible about the collision and those involved, including the contact information of any witnesses.
Next Steps
Make inquiries into any dash cams or surveillance videos that may have recorded the collision. If you were a cyclist involved in a motor vehicle collision, get a repair estimate of your bike from a repair shop. Should you chose to bring forward an insurance claim and your insurance company approves the estimate, you may have your bike repaired at the repair shop of your choice.
Report all symptoms or injuries to any treatment provider as soon as possible and on an ongoing basis. If you require ongoing treatment or cannot work, contact your insurance company and open an accident benefits claim. If you are not personally insured, open an accident benefits claim with the insurer of the other driver(s) involved in the collision.
It is highly recommended that you speak to a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible after the collision. By consulting a lawyer early in the process, you will get the help you need in navigating the complexities of motor vehicle collisions. You will also have better access to the legal resources you need to get compensated for the injuries and damages you or your loved ones have suffered. Contact the lawyers at McLeish Orlando for a free consultation or visit our website.
To learn more about common mistakes to avoid after an auto collision, click here.