With our many years of experience representing injured and disabled people, we understand that a joint injury can change your life forever.
Contact Our Firm TodayJoint injuries can leave you permanently unable to work or perform routine chores around the home. Injuries to the hips, legs, ankles and feet can affect your ability to stand, walk, and climb stairs. A shoulder injury can make it impossible to lift objects above your shoulder level. Injuries to the wrists and hands can prevent you from doing computer keyboarding or other skilled work with your hands.
The long-term impact of fractures can be financially devastating. Experience in this area is crucial when obtaining a fair settlement. Let us help.
When you, a child, or someone you love suffers an orthopaedic injury, it is important to ensure that they have the best legal representation possible. This means a legal team that includes lawyers and clerks that have the experience, funding, resources, and knowledge with these types of injuries. It should include:
Whenever you suffer a broken bone or bones, an orthopedic surgeon will be involved and assess the fractures and develop a plan. Every bone is different as is every fracture or break. This means that the medical plan to treat and rehabilitate the person will be different and require a different set of rehabilitation professionals.
There are 206 bones in the body which include bones in the legs, arms, ribs, spine (vertebrae), and skull. Where two or more bones join, it is called a joint. For the most part, every bone in the body joins up with at least one other bone. Knowing whether your fracture or broken bone is near or at a joint will determine how your orthopedic surgeon will deal with it and what type of rehab you will need. Within joints there are other tissues that can be damaged in addition to the bone. Not only is it important to know which bone is broken, but also whether a joint is involved.
The surgeon will explain what type or break or fracture it is. There are many types and they depend on how much force was applied to the bone. In a car crash, there can be extreme forces that result in the shattering of the bone.
When trying to understand whether your fractures will give rise to longer term problems down the road, or take a long time to heal, understanding the type of fractures from your surgeon is important. These can include:
This bone fracture cuts or breaks the skin. The bone may or may not be seen sticking out. This can also be called an open fracture. Infection is a concern with these fractures. When the bone does not break the skin they call it a closed fracture.
This fracture simply means it is horizontal on the bone.
This means the break has an angle to it.
This means the bone is shattered in three or more places
This means the broken parts of the bone line up and are not out of place. If the bones are not stable and do not line up together they call these displaced fractures. Since the bones do not line up they may require surgery. The above are only a few of the terms used or types of fractures. Certain types of fractures on certain bones have been given their own unique names like lisfranc fractures (foot bones), tibial plateau fractures (knee), hangman’s fracture (C2 in neck), lovers fracture (heal), colles fracture (wrist/arm), spinal fractures (neck, back), etc.
A lawyer and their legal team should be committed to ensuring everything possible is done to get you better. Even though they represent you in the court case, they are also there to help ensure that the proper rehabilitation and medical professionals are involved in your care. A lawyer experienced in cases involving multi-trauma fractures will know from experience on how to help move you down the road to recovery. They will achieve this by accessing resources, introducing you to experienced rehabilitation professionals, and understanding what aspects of your life you need to get back.
An experienced multi trauma lawyer will ensure they get you access to the medical and rehabilitation benefits available. This will include making sure that the proper benefits classification is given to you, whether it be catastrophic or non-catastrophic under the accident (no fault) benefit system. This is a complicated area of the law and does require knowledge, experience, and the necessary expert funding to succeed.
Recovering from fractures is not only dependent on having the right lawyer to get you the funding you need, but it also means introducing you to the best possible rehabilitation professionals experienced in treating your broken bones. This may include case managers, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, chiropractors, massage therapist, and others. It also means having you assessed by respected medical professionals such as orthopedic surgeons, physiatrists, and neurologists. Treatment is always the person’s choice, but at times it is helpful to know who has done good work in the past. Your lawyer may also assist the rehab team in ensuring you have the necessary imaging (Xrays, MRI) to help your doctors. Selecting an orthopaedic surgeon that specializes in your type of fracture to give a medical opinion is key. An experienced lawyer will know which surgeons are needed. As well the use of neuro radiologists and radiologist can be helpful.
Orthopaedic injuries can result in both temporary and permanent lack of mobility or restrictions in the use of your body whether it be walking, reaching, pulling, bending, carrying, sitting and standing. This means the legal team can work with your rehab team and doctors to ensure that modifications in the home and elsewhere are in place to help you move forward with as much independence as possible. It may also mean you may need additional help caring for yourself and having your basic needs met. In addition to modifications and care services, certain mobility aids will also be needed.
Unfortunately not all clients suffering broken bones fully recover. Therefore they find themselves needing help to ensure they have their financial needs met, that they have professionals and services available to let them live with dignity and independence, and that they are compensated for their pain and suffering. An experienced orthopaedic injury lawyer knows that these cases take special care, require significant firm funds, and a good team to succeed. Essential litigation success may require the following:
Accessing and funding top experts in various fields [orthopedic surgeons, physiatrist, care costs experts, etc. ] to provide medical evidence to support the nature and severity of the orthopaedic injury is key.
Not only is it crucial to ensure you have top experts, but you must ensure the court and the people listening to your case understand the anatomy of the body, the bones that were broken, the type of fracture, the internal surgical hardware used to hold the bones together, and how the surgery is done. One key component an experienced trauma injury lawyer will use is medical illustrations, 3D videos, anatomical skeletons, and other aids. These help the experts teach how the bone is broken, the tissues impacted, osteoarthritic changes, damage to the joint, and how these injuries impact the person.
In many cases involving the traumatic orthopedic injured client, one needs to develop a window to show how the effects of the injury has had on the person. A key way of doing this is to obtain information not only from their treating team, but also from families and friends who see them day to day. By marshalling this evidence, you get to show how the person was before and after the injury.
The personal injury lawyers at McLeish Orlando understand that fractures can cause pain and disability for years, and sometimes for life. Our goal is to obtain compensation for the full extent of our clients’ injuries. We retain trusted medical experts who assist in providing opinions on the long term impact of these types of injuries. By thoroughly preparing each case for trial, we are able to achieve a reasonable settlement outside of court.
If you or your loved one is in need of an orthopaedic injury lawyer, contact McLeish Orlando Lawyers for a free consultation.
If you or your loved one has suffered from an orthopaedic injury, as a result of the negligence of another person, please contact McLeish Orlando’s team of personal injury lawyers on our toll-free number for a free consultation.
To start your free consultation, fill out the form Or call us 24/7 at 1-866-685-3311