There are many questions you may have regarding orthopaedic injuries. It is important to note that if you have experienced an injury as a result of someone’s negligence, speaking with a personal injury lawyer can help you determine if you are entitled to compensation. Whether your injuries resulted from a car accident, slip or fall, or another situation, you may have a viable claim. Here is some additional information about orthopaedic injuries that you may find valuable.
1. What are the non-surgical treatment options?
There are some non-surgical treatment options for orthopaedic injuries, but it is always recommended to follow the advice that your doctor has provided specific to your condition. Rest, medication and physical and occupational therapy are excellent treatment options that could improve your discomfort and injury.
2. Is physical therapy required after surgery?
Physical therapy isn’t mandatory, but it is highly recommended, as it can help you regain full range of motion, flexibility, and strength post procedure. It will take some time, but physical therapy can get you back in physical and emotional shape after surgery.
3. When can I get back to daily activities after an orthopaedic injury?
The time that it will take for you to get back to regular, day-to-day activities varies for each specific person and injury. Some orthopedic injuries will only debilitate you for a short time, while others can be significantly more serious in nature and can have a lifelong effect on your quality of life. However, minor injuries usually take anywhere from a few days to a few months, depending on your injury.
4. What happens if surgery is avoided?
It’s important to trust your doctor and the advice that they provide. If they believe surgery is best, it is highly recommended to consider following through with the procedure. Avoiding surgery can lead to complications, including pain, loss of joint movement and strength, numbness and even an early onset of arthritis.
5. When should ice be used on an injury?
Immediately following an injury, applying ice can help prevent broken blood vessels from spilling blood into the area. The ice forces the blood vessels to constrict, which can reduce swelling, bruising and inflammation. Apply ice right after the injury, and continue to do so during the first 48 to 72 hours.
6. When should heat be used on an injury?
Heat can cause your blood vessels to become larger, which can increase the swelling and inflammation. As such, applying heat isn’t typically recommended until 72 hours after the injury. Since heat can injure the tissues even further, it’s important to seek medical attention to get specific instructions from a professional.
7. How to tell if it’s a sprain or fracture?
The difference between a sprain and fracture is that a sprain pertains to the joint, and a fracture pertains to the bone. Additionally, joints can’t be broken, while bones can. The symptoms are often very similar, and an x-ray is needed in order to determine whether your injury is a sprain or fracture.
8. Can you exercise if pain is experienced?
If you are experiencing pain while exercising, this is your body letting you know that something is injured. Typically, minor discomfort isn’t a sure sign that something is wrong, but any severe pain, or pain that increases or persists, could certainly be a sign that there is an injury. You should refrain from exercising until you speak with a medical provider.
9. What is the recommended treatment for minor orthopaedic injuries?
Treatment is specific to the kind of injury experienced, and the amount of damage that has been done. Typically, anything minor can be treated with some rest, ice, compression and elevation, but you should still seek medical advice.
It is highly recommended to always seek medical attention whenever an injury occurs to ensure that proper diagnosis and treatment can be provided.