Written By: John McLeish
September is almost here, and children in your neighbourhood will soon head back to school. Even if you don’t have a younger child, it is important to be mindful of their return. Young pedestrians are unpredictable and lack the common sense that adults or teenagers have regarding traffic safety.
Here are some back-to-school tips for motorists:
- Be aware of school-zone signage. Pay full attention to traffic and be ready to stop at any time while driving through a marked school zone. Small children are hard to see and can dart into oncoming cars.
- Obey the crossing guard’s directions. Even if the traffic signal changes or it is your turn to go at a stop sign, wait until the child has crossed and the crossing guard is safely out of the way before proceeding.
- Slow down in school zones. When the speed limit changes, so should your vehicle’s.
- If you see a ball, bicycle or other toy rolling onto the road, stop. There is a good chance that a child will be running out after it.
- Make eye contact with children who waiting to cross the road, and give a visible hand motion to tell them that you are waiting for them to cross.
- If a school bus is stopped with its stop sign up and brake lights flashing, you must stop in either direction until all children are safely across the street, the sign is removed, and the lights stop flashing.
Help keep the kids in your community safe this fall.